Stryde.Hockey LIVE demo calls NOW available!

blogpost powerskating strydepowerskater Nov 30, 2023

The enthusiasm is INSANE as we witness the full force of this transformative journey in hockey training! The Stryde.Hockey movement is in full force & there's even more excitement to share!

Introducing a fantastic opportunity for all interested in purchasing their very own training device: you can now book a FREE demo call to delve deeper into the world of the Stryde.Hockey PowerSkater machine. This call not only provides insights into the cutting-edge technology behind the PowerSkater but also offers valuable knowledge on optimizing your training with this revolutionary training system. Furthermore, it's a chance to connect personally with the exceptional team driving this game-changing innovation!

Use this link to schedule your demo or onboarding call with one of the Stryde.Hockey experts!

If you're ready to purchase your Stryde.Hockey PowerSkater system, use the link below to receive the KJPS exclusive discount! LINK!